

Are you referring the screenshot about you shipping?

Just know that I still have that screenshot lil bro


Only 3 other ppl know about them, tho cant tell you who

now that’s just racist if you knew me irl


him talking about being under 13… are they gonna ban him for that amount of time?

it’s @opticalcord @playrrt and @DeronChepem


THose screenies gone lol no eveidence

are you under 13 buddy

are we still hating on optical for what he did with the flags all those months ago?? he hasn’t really been doing anything bad recently, hasn’t even been derailing topics or anything like that.

yeah but i don’t though do i IDIOT

Exactly, he has been very chill, and he deserves some appraisal for working hard to turn himself around

shut up lets blow up opticalcords house in ao if he builds one with his clan

im not against optical in particular i just hate people being happy

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So doing this would make you… happy?

i hate people other than me being happy

You being alive makes me happy

Is that… rizz???


well I’m not in a clan…

im jumping you

bring it on :fire: