Mistral Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

Oh and Dragon Raids are a thing. .


I pray for whoever is gonna model and animate these dragons

imagine digging up treasure and getting hit with a fucking air strike

fighting air monsters surely will be fun as a berserker

Guys, new card added, for non-story bosses. But I found it too early and doesnt have stuff yet.

Interesting note that only one of each type of spirit weapon exists in lore, which means MC is basically the only Zeus legacy with access to greatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgrandadā€™s special jewelry

slightly contradictory with Satyrs being plural and wielding weapons blessed by Pan, but I guess it could be explained since theyā€™re more like very devout creature followers all descended from him, and him somewhat being more ancient?

Wait, really? Where was that said? At least with the Satyrs, its implied multiple types of Pan-blessed Spirit Weapons existsā€¦

Unless theyre all the same pan flutesā€¦

Guessing itā€™s the type of vessel for the spirit weapon. Only one Eagle Patrimony, for example.

Every Spirit Weapon is one-of-a-kind but there can be multiple spirit weapons blessed by the same god.

Coolest part to me is that the chick having Nyxā€™s staff means that spirit weapons arenā€™t only limited to the Olympians


minibosses card

Im predicting MarkDonovanSmith is gonna be a major part of it


Ramses III

a curse landing on someoneā€™s corpse and resurrecting them is crazy :sob:


Completely crackpot theory, but the reviving Redacted curse might be the one corresponding to Dead Revival? Itā€™d be weird, but itā€™s the only one I can think of. We donā€™t even know if Dead Revival has a Curse equivalent or not, since thereā€™s barely any info on it other than ā€œIt exists,ā€ ā€œThe Peacekeeper happened because of an accident with it,ā€ and ā€œAcheron basically worshipped it.ā€

I meant the Juraserva quest, like the quest part

Gonna be weird having a human boss named Leviathan and also a sea monster called Leviathan (the tiny one that makes huge storms around it)

leviathan will probably be a random spawning sea boss that uses storm magic to make whirlpools under your ship

kraken is back and more annoying than ever, all she needs is a loud sound