(More polls) Very Important Poll

(poll 5)
if it was a public seed it will become more of a memory server rather than a “normal” one

(unmentioned in polls)
would there be a ruleset that isn’t just “don’t use hacking clients” in mind? mainly cause i don’t know if it would be from a range of 99% smaller 2b2t or cult edition hermitcraft.

If people volunteer as mods then I guess it’s up to them but probably no rules other than no hacks and no insane griefing. Doing a little trolling on somebody’s base would be okay but taking all of their stuff or burning/bombing their base down wouldn’t be cool

New poll, figured I might as well use the free trial and we can see how it goes.

If you have JE and are interested, would you be on at like 10 CST tomorrow?
  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

Beg for a channel in AO Forums Party?
  • Beg for a channel in AO Forums Party.
  • I’m not in AO Forums Party (dm me Camreeyan#3935 I’ll inv)
  • Make a new server for this
  • Just send the link in AO Forums Party general and use minecraft chat or vc for talking

0 voters