More Tutorial Quests

More Tutorial Quests
effort 4.0 3 quality 5.0 3 reasonability 5.0 4

So the new trello patch dropped recently and introduced a new mechanic, Tutorial Quests. A pretty good idea but it’s lacking right now and can definetly be expanded.

Quests that should be Tutorial Quests

Repairing a Skyship/Repairing Adam’s Ship
-Teaches about repair hammers, skyship one is already on a story (sky)island.

Learning to FIsh
-Teaches about fishing and is on a story island.

Learning to Brew
-Teaches about brewing and is on a story island.

New tutorial quest

Noticed how the diving spot and underwater structures have no introduction?

Underwater treasure
-Teaches about diving spots basics and sea charts
Baiscally, on Ravenna or Sailor’s lodge would be a man standing out looking at the sea. Coming up to him he would speak about rumours of there being sunken chests and chests of treasure out in the seas, and that he heard of them releasing bubbles of air that foam up on the surface.

You would then be given a task to find and explore 100% a diving spot. From the last chest you would be guranteed a sea chart.

Coming back to the man he would say that these charts reveal the locations of fallen ancient cities, shipwrecks and wonders of nature, filled to the brim with lost artifacts. The quest would end here.


Changing these quests(and maybe more that I missed)+adding an introduction to diving spots would really make it easier for new people to find out what this game has.

there should be a quest to do an actual treasure chart where a guy gives you a chart for the island he’s on (probably at frostmill) and you need to solve it
same with a diving spot where a different guy should give you a diving chart that you need to do
these wouldnt be tutorial quests but rather just regular quests
i imagine the diving one would be at ravenna
also you could only complete the quest with the chart the guy gives you

oh great idea, I was wondering if there should be a naval combat tutorial quest (aside from the one where you run from the Ravenna navy) so people can function on a boat

at sailors lodge maybe there could be pirates blocking the way to fort talos, and you would have to take them out. it would also require you to buy cannons and cannonballs if you didn’t already have them


check the changelogs , vetex added allat


That’s a lot of ideas.
good job tho.

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