More vanity items and hair options

More vanity items and hair options
effort 0.0 0 quality 0.0 0 reasonability 5.0 2

yeah we need more ugc hairs fr it’s not 2014 anymore

yeah we have the same basic ass hairstyles

good point, i feel like more dreads just makes sense, as dreadlocks are an iconic pirate hairstyle, not even for just black people.

sadly some dreads look pretty bad too :sob:

I really want vetex to just add really goofy hats that are just entirely jokes

gonna be pretty funny in a cutscene lmao

I strongly agree with this because my characters are lacking good hair styles :I

only a select few of the official roblox hairs are good, in fact more than not are ASS :sob: ain’t nobody using them so they might as well be removed to save space for the good ones

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we need a single wing accessory…

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