Morning Star


Imagine if Vetex added a flail. Swing it around like an idiot with a bunch of AOE.

Honestly the weapon I would use if I were a Shadow user would be a Rapier.

Aesthetic weapon meant specifically for 1-on-1 encounters that gives off an aura of superiority and effortless murder (rapiers give me the impression of a tool of an elite fighter.)

Hits all the points someone would expect from a dark magic, specializing in fighting stray opponents, killing opponents without struggle, and feeding into an ambition of ultimate power and surpassing feeble underlings.

But the problem is that it would took too gentlemanly, even if it is old.

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Another problem is that rapiers are just uncanny in general when you compare it to the lineup of weapons

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Perspective, perspective, perspective.

One man’s gentleman is another man’s snoot, their superior, their elitist upperclassman more concerned with maintaining their reputation and snobbish mannerism than involving themselves with the dirty people they consider to be utterly inferior.

The chivalrous top-of-the-hierarchy nobles could care less about what the peasants think and more about matters concerning themselves or those above them, preserving a long, unjust tradition of corruption benefitting those in power by taking from those below them as darkness takes from light around it. Corruption has always been shown as a dark, shadowy energy. Tradition is always the shadow that follows behind us as we move forwards. Selfishness reflects the solitary aspect of Shadow.

What element is more greatly reminiscent of the classic tyrannical villain who never wish to dirty their hands with anyone they deem unworthy of their personal, superior involvement than Shadow? Shadow is not something like Metal where it’s all about roughhousing and destruction or like Plasma where it’s about energetic hype. It can be much more reserved, or much more devious depending on how one sees it.

How many other weapons reflect this same high-class “oh-so-pure” impression these villains may give off better than a rapier? A rapier is a symbol of status more than anything else.

Even the way a Rapier is used fits perfectly. Rather than heavy, aggressive wide sweeps, graceful impaling thrusts or swift slashes with much finesse, that suggest killing with ease especially considering how in some media rapier users will literally just put one hand behind their back. Impaling opponents is also much more intimidating, scary, and cold-hearted than slashing them, so even despite this mostly emphasizing Shadow’s more reserved, elitist, and corrupt aspects, the sheer aspect of cold-bloodedness isn’t lost through the Rapier as the impaling motions still promote such a feeling (see Palpatine’s fighting style, the jabs are very perfect for a sith-lord).

Also look at how Shadows often manifest themselves in games. Sharp tendrils or wispy strands.

The rapier handle if very fitting for this with its thin metal designs from the hilt. I can easily imagine the design constantly writhing as the user prepares to strike.


What more fitting for an uncanny magic than an uncanny weapon?

fuck the morning star, i’m maining rapier

Thanks for explaining why I hate rapiers
Didn’t find the right words until now


I would go fot that

Or smthing like morning star on a chain

Oh yeah more blunt weapons. Imma go bonkers with them hehe.

“rusty morning star” sound something a light user would use

dude wrote a mf thesis about why shadow magic is perfect to go with a rapier and I agree completely

Flu is dangerous, as long as he can type he’s a threat.

Let’s let him know what we know. ( Please someone get the reference. )

The Prophet:

The morning star is more like a mace than a flail.

Close enough, although a flail would be hilarious to use.

Imagine if a flail is added and it knocks you down

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