Most attractive forum user?

i spin a wheel before making a post here, 99/100ths of the wheel is racism, sexism, ableism, etc, while the final 1/100th is a heartwarming comment


You’ve truely blown me away just take my like

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500k is 500k :man_shrugging:t3:

you are getting a follow realisticbanana wear it with pride

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bait used to be believable :moyai::wine_glass:

Maybe you’re just jealous of my feminine charms.

Aren’t you like a heavy smoker & drinker

I don’t think having raisins for lungs and yellowed teeth is a “feminine charm” but alright mate

Nah only a smoker, which I do like 3 times a month.

People love stoners anyways.

eugh, cigarette smell

cigarette smell reminds me of my drug addicted mother which i would choose to forget about over anything else :sweat_smile:

Now that’s attracti- :sob: :sob: :sob:

let the forums be the judge of that
show us dat face bucko

It’ll cost a very large amount of money