Most people don't think that deep

Sunlight is a portion of the electromagnetic radiation given off by the Sun, in particular infrared, visible, and ultraviolet light. On Earth, sunlight is scattered and filtered through Earth’s atmosphere as daylight when the Sun is above the horizon. When direct solar radiation is not blocked by clouds, it is experienced as sunshine, a combination of bright light and radiant heat (atmospheric). When blocked by clouds or reflected off other objects, sunlight is diffused. Sources estimate a global average of between 164 watts to 340 watts[1] per square meter over a 24-hour day;[2] this figure is estimated by NASA to be about a quarter of Earth’s average total solar irradiance.

The ultraviolet radiation in sunlight has both positive and negative health effects, as it is both a requisite for vitamin D3 synthesis and a mutagen.

Sunlight takes about 8.3 minutes to reach Earth from the surface of the Sun.[3] A photon starting at the center of the Sun and changing direction every time it encounters a charged particle would take between 10,000 and 170,000 years to get to the surface.[4]

Sunlight is a key factor in photosynthesis, the process used by plants and other autotrophic organisms to convert light energy, normally from the Sun, into chemical energy that can be used to synthesize carbohydrates and fuel the organisms’ activities.

Why you guys keep falling for the obvious bait, he already pulled this exact same one about 3 times already. He already knows that

Why does my confidence bother u?

A true photon moment right there

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I’m just wondering how this guy hasn’t been suspended yet, he doesn’t do ANYTHING else but stir up drama and act like an egoist.

Because they don’t think that deep, they fail to think deep enough to consider not hitting the reply button.

Hi meta

U guys keep getting offended over nothing bud


When your portrayal of confidence gives off the energy that seems to rub people the wrong way, that’s more likely than not a problem with how you’re acting, not a problem with how people are perceiving you.


Me too, but hell Im going to have fun before he gets turned into dust by the mods

People get rubbed the wrong way all the time it’s not my problem they want to be easily offended

I just like meaningful and fun convos some people just can’t handle it

There is no chance he isn’t 100% aware of his own behavior and how effective it is at irritating people.

If he isn’t then the only other option is that his skull’s so dense its about to collapse into a black hole.

This guy :skull:

did my screen glitch or did i see a message just vanish

I refuse to believe that theres someone that dense. Otherwise we would’ve already collapse under the gravitational pull of such a dense thing

Oh yeah it was mine

Did I deleted it by mistake or something?

no, a mod must have annihilated it for some reason.
if you try to delete a message normally it gets put on a timer before its erased.

youre bang on point i do think youre rather annoying