Most schizophrenic forumer award

hi rb1

hi rb1
hows it going

I spent half a month genderbending every major ao character i put the most effort into being schizo


that doesnt make you schizo that just makes you a weirdo :mariomug:

what’s the difference

am i schizo enough to be here

1 Like

cool and good

(but fr why is he so known?)

You misunderstood, but okay.

he’s rb1

more than enough

With the specific questions you been asking, I’d say so

doing well rb1, hbu?

My name is Robert Boyle, also know in the forums as rb1, and this is my confession

For the past year and a half i have pretended to be a man called “Dubiouslittletyp0” as a social experiment, and it has turned out the people on the forums are the perfect subjects for the experimental parasite i have created.

At this moment, the forum’s biggest names such as “bio”, “flare”, “realisticbanana”, “nickyZ1” and many more have been infected with the rvirus1 and will all melt into a puddle of shitposting permanently attatched to their chairs.

The rbpocalypse has already started.

@KingBacon145 of course

They’re not schizo they’re just underage

just like you!!

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I’m sorry that only now it’s been told, but none of us are real, you @unrealistic are replying to posts you forgot you’ve made and replying to comments that never existed.

It is a tradegy that only now you’re told so late, but you need to wake up.

(2nd place goes to flare)

Do you think I’m ready for the WE design