My imbued weapons do less damage than when they aren't imbued

Lightning weapons doesn’t give paralysed effect :joy:

Does rain give soaked effect ?

you first need water and ice to get freeze and even after that the multiplier caps at 20% (10% if it doesnt remove the effect). What you said about magics covering each other’s weaknesses is smart, but the problem is that the magic tier of your second magic is so low that its basically unusable. For example, magma has a 1.2 size and glass has a 1.1 size, yet my glass blast is more than twice the size. Eventually when the magic tiers are the same i would agree with you but rn its not worth it. I dont know if you saw the tester video but theres a reason why only one mage was consistently using two magics while most just used their base magic.

thats because lightning is a special status effect that activates after the user takes a certain amount of damage from one attack or if they are soaked. It would be pretty broken if lightning could stun on every single attack. If you want to apply paralysis with lightning infusion you need to do at least 33% of someones health in a single attack which at that point its not even useful because you did so much damage anyway. Or you can use a sunken sword which are super rare

Can we have skill on sunken sword or it’s a 100+ Weapon?

rising tide requires 100 weapon stat but thats the minimum that a pure conjurer has anyway so you should be able to use it as long as you didnt invest into vitality

Ok so that is a tier 2 weapon, so ok interesting, but what does the sunken sword do that the others sword don’t?

sunken sword applies the soaked effect on enemies when it attacks. Soaked pairs very well with certain magics like lightning, ice, snow, etc because when used together they stun the enemy. The sunken sword is unique rn because its one of the only weapons with a status effect already imbued into it so you basically have two imbuements on one weapon allowing you to apply dual status effects like paralysis and frozen in one attack instead of mages who need to hit two attacks

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That is really good, I need to get it. Anyways, I just thought that imbued lightning weapons are very useful under rain because it gives soaked effect right?

yeah rain makes cold magics really good and heat magics really bad. Good luck on getting a sunken ive never fished for one but i heard they are super rare.

Yeah 1/8000 chance, maybe I’ll trade it.

that’s cringe, so lightning only really good with sunken sword ig

With my experience it’s actually increased a lot, and it also inflicts melting so I’d say its worth it

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well i mean if this wasnt the case then everyone would just use magma ice or plasma (the magics with 1.2 multipliers on bleed) on conjurer builds and there would be no build diversity in pvp

does it just multiply the speed by 1.5 or do the speeds of the magic and the weapon get averaged?

pretty sure multiply

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