Need Help

how about floccinaucinihilipilification? also i am a pro in word bomb

call it gaming car

I have changed Opulent Seafarer to Opulent Privateer, which is now my alt account’s AR Ketch

pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis better

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actually no do mimhere island finder

lowkey having so much fun with this that i might make the character one of my main account files in ao ong

maybe even light/shadow too despite the bad interactions

well if we’re talking about long words, then the longest word in the english language is the full chemical name for titin, which exceeds the forum’s character limit by a lot

props to where took the time to name it lol

Boiling Serpent for my weapon/magic file ( fire-theme )

Conqueror for my strength/magic file ( sounds basic but he’s dumb and i love him )
or Tartarus’s Conqueror, yeah this sounds better ( and edgier )

Sunken Dream for my vitality/magic file




here’s a good way to get a good name:

you may need to use it a buncha times but eventually you will get a good one

nah, doesn’t sound as good

yeah. boats aren’t very useful sunken.

look at rock band names thought up by actual crackheads