New Armors?

It’s fine to use old roblox models, but the samurai… nah, that’s too far.

:sob: we warrior rlly getting shit

Every build-specific armor has no innate color variations, keep huffing that copium

there is another samurai package tho

which looks far better

1 and 6 for me

2 looks good in drawing, ingame is so so

3 would be nice if the arms are covered up ( tho ig it makes sense since its the zerker set )

4 is fine

5 is fine too, but maybe a bit weird? could just be prespective

also i just realzied the vitality armor is using the cute animation pack

warden/spirit weapon users are twinks comfirmed?

Good thing I don’t plan on using spirit weapons

why would you not want to use the clearly superior combat method

Welcome to my graveyard

1, 4 and 6

I mean, you could try and convince him, just get some people to help

bruh convince how im literally a nobody to him

its worth a shot :person_shrugging:

write a angry email!

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