New censored feature on the to-do-list

time for whale massacre …

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no buddy accept it spirit weapons aren’t coming this year lmao

Bro is adding the depths :sob:

:moyai: :moyai: :moyai:

PvP Victims

Either something stupidly broken in fighting

Or a PvE grinding boss in dark seas

…From tears of the kingdom.

Bro I can’t tell what AO is anymore :sob:
I’ve heard people say it’s a PvP game, an exploration game, a story game, and now an action game?

I feel like vet needs to stop pushing the pvp side of things as he is now, but at the same time is there really a way to not add pvp features or things related to it? I mean a lot of people are going to grind dark sea for better gear most likely for pvp, progressing the story is going to add boss drops which can add to a pvp meta, and so much more.

I guess we should just wait and see.

AO is a horror game, because significant parts of the game are spent looking around, and trying your best to avoid dangerous beings that seek to claim your bones, or something like that.
I believe I justified that better than at least one other person justified calling AO something else.
(Setting the bar low, I know)

mimhere and stuff is my guess

Well there goes a fair lot of guesses.

i’m telling you guys, it’s gonna be edibles and anime

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I got a clue from one of the mods, it’s something better out of everything that will be in the update

So something better would mean that it isn’t armor, enemy, or anything previously mentioned in the patch notes

better is subjective, some people will love it some people won’t care


Aight yeah that’s fair, but at the very least it will rule out anything previously mentioned in the patch notes

Since the mod said “better” implying something new

Get real (I have no idea where to start or know what im doing)

eaglets and abuse

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As if he had the time to add it

pvp victims? is he talking about casual players that get attacked by pvpers?