New Dark Sea Content: Labyrinths

New Dark Sea Content: Labyrinths
effort 4.555555555555555 9 quality 4.777777777777778 9 reasonability 4.555555555555555 9

Ah yes, the ancient civilization could have never accounted for the intellect of the average mage (two braincells held together by glue) :skull: . All jokes aside I bet some people will get frustrated and try to just pulsar the room door lol

I would love some randomly generated dungeon to spawn in the dark sea it would be pretty cool

This actually sounds pretty sick and equally as fun. Anything that makes the Dark Sea more replayable is always welcome.

EDIT: Added a new room type my friend came up with: Mirror Room

i was savant :skull:

Ok 3 brain cells then. (We discriminate against magic users over here :muscle:t5:)

i also use vit???

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