New Inventory Exploit

I go over to balancecord and the first thing I see is plans to beat Optical to death

please do :+1:

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hey. :slightly_smiling_face: will you stop ? i need to verify

blud literally saw like 4 somewhat off topic comments and immediately decided to go full on total :nerd: ALERT !!! :rotating_light: THIS TOPIC IS DERAILING :rotating_light: !!! ALERT :nerd:

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apples or bananas?

what channel… i must know…

me who never opened it in my life knowing theres people talking about me :sob:

whyyyyyyy :sob:

you read like the exploiter

So, uh… Safe to play, or nah?

what the hell is a forumcordian grrr

touch grass either way

play if you want, but i wouldnt atm

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I mean just stop being stupid and put the minor free pass in your profile

vetex dont care :sob: :sob: :pray: he slaving off on the nimbus sea upd

Hey :slightly_smiling_face: you guy, :grin: will you stop :confused: ?, i need to verify :white_check_mark:

I asked if it was safe to play AO at the moment not if I should get Master Angler in one day dipshit

touch grass either way

Someone needed to suggest a snowy/sand status duration buff for synergies purpose and it seems like I’m the only one who cares