New vitality rework is being added + growth curse status


would make aventurines completely useless

So regen gems are also reworked?

What about Aventurine + Lifesteal?

no stock is just stocking


too op

But you can just wear 200 regen and use vitality for the same effect-

It makes no sense, you will be litteraly limited at 45-50 health per shot due to 33% of max lvl limit.

Well I didn’t know that.

vitality has damage nerf or drawback if you imbue spirit energy

not after the rework.

400+ regen to be more correct. But yeah… regen gems are just better, but they are an active part of your equipment, while lifesteal is a passive ability, which makes me wonder if it is going to be a good or bad change in the end.

wheres the info on the rework?

So 46 hp per attack would be the max at level 140? that’s kinda ass considering someone with 120 vitality will be getting a 33% base hp nerf after the rework. They would need to hit their opponent 12 times just to get back the hp they lost because of the rework, and that’s assuming they can deal 460 in a single attack to get the most lifesteal which is nuts.

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46 Hp per attack in a game where people can casually deal 200+ damage

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you forget that it’ll also remove the damage nerf for vit builds

…Which the current imbue already does

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i believe the change is to avoid a pulsar situation where something is balls to the wall op then it gets nerfed to dust