Nice pictures of the game

I’m too lazy to edit it, sorry


I typically play on graphics 1 (4-6 when sailing) because of bad PC so I rarely ever get pretty sights, but here’s what Moonlight Sailor Style looks like at max graphics.


what is happening in this picture I can’t understand it

5x Shockwave Smash using Light-imbued Sailor Style

Piss fist

got another:

i dont have much

plot twist: im not in the sky

Those are sum sexy pics :eyes:

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ayo fridge?? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: wdym by that?


nice trees bro

My first screenshot of Arcane Odyssey (besides the title screen). The dawn of a new adventure.

I have a friend that summed up this one quite nicely:
“Teach a man to fish and he’ll catch what the f&*%.”

Just a nice view overall. Temple of Poseidon at dawn (or dusk? idk).


best quote.

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Ok that’s just beautiful. That’s just :face_holding_back_tears: brings a tear to my eye with how it all looks.

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Yeah, this one’s my favorite. AO’s graphics when maxed out are actually pretty nice.

new wind water synergy in ao

what is happening in this image
