NickyZ1's worldbuilding bullshit, episode 2 out!11

post where i world build. thats it, there is no story, just worldbuilding
i used to write a 100% original story when i was like, 9 to 11 years old, fantasy world and shit
idk why i abandoned it, probably just burnt out after 2 years (well, its all gone now, lost in some aminoapps community faded to obscurity)
so yeah
i’ll just brainstorm ideais in this topic until i think i made a good world, and then abandon it again because i have decided i hate writing stories
also, like any other thread made by me, this will have the consistence of a pudding made by someone who doesn’t know how to make pudding and only looked at the recipe once before jumping to action


First off, i need a world (duh)
i’m horrible with maps so i never gave it a actual map, maybe someone on the forums will take interest on this and make a map for me (totally not praying for that)

To start, i need a name for the world, i’m really bad with names so i smash my keyboard, add some vowels between the letters and its usually good enough
seems good enough for now, maybe i’ll change it in the future

To follow with a name to the world, i need continents (we can think about countries later)
I want the world to have slight similarities to real life, so the eastern side will have kinda like an europe, asia and africa, same with the western side
The eastern continent shall be called Anatosia (Includes where the europe and asia would be)
south east Mitera Arf (where africa would be)

Western side
Northwest (from where mexico would be to canada) Dyti’Nagi and Southwest (anything bellow mexico) Noto’Nagi

The seas don’t actually need a name, they are usually called insert cardinal direction-sea

i’m already tired of writing so this is it for today

decided the name of the world and continents (it all takes inspiration of words in Greek)

tomorrow i’ll get to what i actually like writing: magic and how each region developed it
this is a World of Magic rolls the credits by the way

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Here’s what I did: generated a random Minecraft seed AND JUST STOLE IT LOL srsly this is what it looks like (names are temporary btw I will change em later)

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You should add thay stupid continental waterfall I talked about having a dream about in darkane

I’ve gotten rather proficient at this exact thing too. I’ve heard people gripe about names and “realism”, but…

Yeah, you’d be surprised how uncreative the real world can be. So go ham!

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yeah but i cant name the planet “shithole” just because there is a massive hole underneath the surface where all shit is gathered

“Yeah, you’d be surprised how uncreative the real world can be. So go ham!”

in my own worldbuilding stuff theres an entire nation called the “Peninsulan Empire” because its based on a peninsula and i didnt wanna think any harder for a name

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what i do is i just take a language and a word and translate it, maybe switch up a couple vowels (the word pertaining to whatever the world is, of course)

maybe none of your ideas hit you like they should? sometimes i’ll be deep into a project and realize that i don’t actually like the concept and then i’ll scrap it.

if you actually plan on doing something with these concepts, my suggestion would be to just try try and try some more.

(ex. a game, book series, etc.)

i also see a lot of people do like, rice and trace that, which i kinda like.

i have a project with no real map in mind, only a basic idea of where and what i want my characters to do, so i just make the map based on that. several big continents with lots of islands (i guess similar in idea to One Piece’s Grand Line.)

the grand line is such a nice concept cause it allows Oda to be as creative as he likes without needing any real geographical connections. the hemispheres and everything aren’t really taken into mind.

my suggestion is just to draw random shapes and see where that gets you.

deadass goes kinda hard

thats what i did for every continent name

like, north america is called “New North” and south america is called “New South” but in greek

but for names, which is often seen as one of the hardest parts, just put two cool words together.

a sort of WIP name concept i have for a big antagonistical (if that’s a word) kingdom is “Hearthwood.” like… hearth… and wood? i don’t know it just sounds cool and medieval and i like it.

Thats kind of funny but puts my mind at ease. Now i dont need to concentrate so much on original names lmao

just name the planet and all the continents canada (some name ideas below if you need it :slight_smile: )

okay but this would be hillarious

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Super lit

If there is one thing I know about naming towns, its that shufflimg scientific drug names until it is coherent enough to say is a valid town name

That and just calling it Floodwater (the town gets flooded, a lot)

i feel like its been long enough for me to do part 2
i’m so damn lazy doe…

episode 2 of nickyz worldbuilding shenenabananigans
magic systems and deepening the world
i actually really like writing magic systems, the more complex the better, and i do remember a bit about how magic worked in my past writing

Basics of Magic

the magic depended on visualization and imagination, if there was something you couldn’t see or imagine, it just wouldn’t work; no one could magically create a eldritch horror since they are beyond their human comprehension

alongside that, magic was decided by birth and race (yes, there are multiple races, i’ll get to that in this episode) if you aren’t born with magic, you cant use it; although you do have Refakra (Mana’s name in this world) and it can be used to some shit that i will also get to
Any race can be born with the ability to use magic (except humans) but any can also be born without such ability, and yes, there is classism between mages and non mages

Magic was divided in two types; Ancient and Advanced

Ancient Magic

Ancient magic was the first ever type of magic, it could only be used by Dwarfs, Elves, Dragons and anything born out of Refakra. The purity of the race in your blood does affect how well you use magic, a pure blooded Elve or Dwarf casts and has higher Refakra-drawing than a half-elf-half-dwarf

Ancient magic was used by those races since the beginning of times, it was natural to all but to humans, which made the human society take much much longer to evolve since they had to worry about the Elves’ expansionism and the threat of Dragons

Ancient magic is unlimited, as long as you can imagine it, it happens, if you can see yourself throwing a massive ass boulder at someone and also manipulating water around you, it can be done. Though focusing in a single type of magic will make you better at it on aspects like cast time

Ancient magic always comes to a price, you have to sacrifice something to use it; your life span, a limb, a piece of your skin, anything. the more valuable, the higher your magical output will be.
This is called “Magical Sacrifice”, and everyone that wants to use magic does it at the start of their careers, most in a religious way (note, creatures born out of Refakra don’t have to do this).

This also does give Elves, Dwarfs and Dragons a boost over Humans, since Dwarfs have an extremely long lifetime and elves are immune to time-flow past the age of 20, and Dragons have regenerative abilities strong enough to regrow a lost limb in a matter of weeks

You can do as many Magical Sacrifices as you want throughout your life, a lot of egotistic ancient-mages sacrifice their existence as a whole as a last-ditch effort to kill their opponent when cornered

Advanced Magic

Advanced Magic, on the other spectrum, has no cost; but is a lot more limited.
this type of magic was created by the humans after a long time of researching how the other races did it, and despite the name, Advanced Magic is worse than Ancient in every meaning with the exception of that: you don’t need to be born with the ability to use magic; it does not have a cost.

Advanced Magic is limited to a single type, that is decided after the wizard casts their first magic. If you cast a fireball, too bad, you are now a fire mage. if you cast a orb of magma, good job, you are now a fire mage but chonky.

Ancient Magic users can learn Advanced Magic, but those who do so are treated as inferiors by other pure-ancient magic users and shunned by Advanced Magic users for betraying their kind.
Ancient magic users that learn Advanced Magic are also limited to a single magic type on Advanced Magic, but this does not affect their Ancient Magic. The few who learn Advanced and Ancient magics usually choose a powerful but costy magic to master as their Advanced, something like Regeneration or Fuck Everything In This General Direction


There are 4 main races; Humans, Elves, Dwarfs, Dragons
Races besides those do exist, but they are usually just copy and pastes of Humans with more downsides, like Hobbits


Humans are the basic-est of the basics, they have a life expectancy of 50 years, when they are lucky, some reach the 70’ies. They created Advanced Magic and where egotistic enough to name it “Advanced” when that shit was mid as hell, but that did give them a boost in life expectancy so good for them


God’s favorites (i actually hate elves, dorfs on top), they live forever, are always beautiful and can use Refakra with 1/5th of the skill of a Dragon on avarage (for comparison, the strongest human to live could use Refakra with 1/5th of the skill of a dragon) they also have strong ego’s, and if they lose to a human, they might end their lives on the spot for such a shame


Dwarfs are like humans, but smaller and stronger physically, they are good with magics related to minerals, have a natural skill on crafting shit and digging, they are also the most technologically advanced. Dwarfs are usually chill to humans and other races, though some are neutral and others hate elves. They have a life expectancy of 500 and a few lucky ones can live up to 1000

(only the strongest ones can master all of them)


The strongest race there is. Period. Dragons live forever and are technically immortal, as long as their heart isn’t pierced through, they are reborn from 0 on the spot after a few years. Dragons have the highest Refakra drawing and manipulation skills, and are nearly invincible; as most mages cant visualize themselves killing a dragon and their magics lose strength upon encountering such
Though they can turn into a more humanoid form, most prefer not doing so since it resembles that of a human; and humans are shit so no one wants to be one.
Dragons also do not technically require a Magical Sacrifice to use “magic”, since they are born being capable of breathing Dragon Fire (fire but 1,300° Celsius and kinda red-purple) and therefore don’t really need most forms of magic

More WORLD building: assistance of Darkane

There is now a massive fucking waterfall in the extreme North and South of the planet, north and south pole are on top of those.
Nothing that can’t fly can go up, and if you try going inside it, you and your ship will get torn to shreds by… something, yeah something.
North and South poles are now also home to a single Ancient Dragon each, may or may not be inspired by Placidusax and Bayle

Glitching Eclipse:
We now have Tuvivakatavrok, the Island Devourer.
Massive fucking shark that can literally eat islands, thankfully is only active once every 100 years for one year, old ass elves place bets on what island will be gone next and some dumb ass humans keep trying to kill it, some old man lost his wife to it, what could go wrong?

epic thumbnail image

I love how there’s the usual fantasy races and then there’s just

does this imply that this is in the same genus as humans

yes, and there is a 30% difference between their DNA
the difference between an elf and a dragon is 73%