Nimbus Sea Map Idea

was this bec of my report or did u just come by and see it

dash upgrade that lets us go in an L direction would be kinda nuts

though that would also be probably pretty OP

dodge reflexes:

Sounds good enough to be a lost spell though

that’s selino

Try going upwards with dodge reflexes

silence… uh…
:sweat_smile: haha what the fuck

A movement spell that leaves a contrail of damage doesn’t seem to far-fetched for a lost spell.

maybe the poop emoji temple on sumeria has a spell mentor

what if certain spells needed mentors instead of scrolls

Now use it with earth magic

selino for mages :smiling_imp: (this is an awful idea)

Mountian creation spell.

Perhaps this will be the karate mentor?

it makes sense, but it would probably be added in full release.

almost poetic how such a genuinely boring fighting style idea gets a giant temple shaped like a massive pile of shit

and then cool ones get some run down shack on some random tribal village island.

yea lmao

okay so basically in the AU

a master martialist who lives in a beautiful ornate mansion with jade pillars, probably teaches you something totally lame and stupid

whereas if you go into the slums and find the most run down dirty little mudshack in the vicinity


“hey traveller”


“wanna learn how to destroy islands in 1 punch?”

Doesn’t that just describe everything in life?

can’t you just flip it upside down though?

No, also could you please stop reporting random stuff that isnt even against the rules because its very annoying