No regrets

I mean it’s pretty cute

I’m sure you’d fit into the AO art community better than me, heh

back to the void I go I suppose

Nooooooo you’re literally better, I die when I try to make a shape look like it did last time.


Your art style is genuinely unique and clean—I really like it.

I don’t understand why you downplay your work and act like no one values your effort. Respect is earned, and I believe if you kept creating more art like this, people would recognize and appreciate it.

If you’re measuring your worth by likes and interactions, you’re focusing on the wrong thing.


SPIT Tobi.

Dubious you’ve always been too self conscious of your art. It’s amazing, we keep tellin’ you that! Just keep at it, don’t worry too much!

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I’m trying to lean more towards “cautious and calculated” nowadays, fame’s a game and I plan to metamance

(which is kind of like my weird way of enjoying the other half of the creative process, I do genuinely make art because I like being creative, I’m not doing it all for the glory and recognition, although stardom is a pretty big dream I hold dearly)

Why bro so colorful hes literally lookin like a parrot or smth

we got furries in AO now dang

Primary color scheme

We’ve always had furries in AO

Atlantean technically furry if you really stretch the logic

a fishy if you will

Screenshot 2024-07-27 200628


wait, they turn into “furries” as a result of exposure to a strange liquid…

Arcane odyssey is a changed fangame confirmed goddammit

I think he still remembers how he got zero traction over his art in the art hub

Yea, I doubt it’ll get any more even today :sweat:

Which is why I’ve just decided to embrace the role of being the black sheep of the AO art community

Typ stop being sashanatashablissymaymeow levels of edgy and just keep drawing it’ll work