Noble winning? pisscry losing?

I USED to, like a month ago

thats not really long enough to be as rusty as noble though is it :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

But i mean, i still dont play everyday

And to be fair, i never said he wasn’t rusty. I just said something i did during the 1v1

yeah but you were acting like it was some big accomplishment, which is really isnt

when i said “arent you the guy i greened” it wasnt meant to be taken seriously, even if it did happen. Stop getting so pressed over this

what have I said made you thing I was pressed about this? idk if you noticed but I’ve kept a rather chill tone compared to you

This is where every current guild is.
Join it.

She knows about it

fixed it


You aren’t wrong


The only thing i’ve said that wasn’t “chill” was “Stop being so pressed about this”. Not sure where this “I’ve kept a more chill tone then you” thing came from.

And as i said, it wasn’t meant to be taken seriously. Just stop trying to argue over this

Someone needs to post the “Your tears only increase my damage” video here

roselight trans army :fearful:

fair enough

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