Not a horny question

Yall ever want to lewd yourself
Is it wrong IF i want to lewd myself ? ( not that i want to do that or smt i swear )


On ?

if it’s like a persona of mine or something
go for it

not if it’s irl me
irl me is just an ugly mofo


Its a question that best to not answered, isnt it



no harm in glorifying yourself and feeling like a god

Just go fuck yourself

I desperately want to, and will use my first paycheck on getting someone to do it for me

“oh a not horny question by WM! This never happens!”
“ah, nah this definitely is a horny question”

and yes, selfcest isnt ok, try and fix that

the mirror exists for a reason!
you can lewd yourself anytime

(note: lewding yourself isnt the main reason the mirror was put on this earth)

we’re gonna start the ‘‘is fucking a clone masturbation’’ debate on the forums lol

Its not

i guess it’s fine? Eh, don’t care.

Pretty sure some r18 artists take coms

Forums is a wonderful place indeed
(Okay but is it tho, still kind of wonder that till now)

next time naruto does a QnA we should ask him