Obligatory Nimbus Topic [SPOILERS]

did he say that? i dont remember that at all

edit: just checked, he said one of the upcoming storyline characters will use a spirit bracelet, but didnt say it would be one of the new party members, at least we know captain khalida will be important in the story somehow

Those were answers to 2 separate questions

Wow I misremembered horribly :skull:

Meet Curse Man!


Yeah buddy you’re getting sued

This is worse than the time I got sued for liking candles

Yeah buddy you’re getting double sued.

legendary reference

Ran into this way before I thought I should

I’ve never even gone past i1 :disappointed_relieved:

I feel your fear, but really… Unless youre going for the supermassive islands, youll be just fine strolling in the epicenter range!

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You were supposed to wait for the expedition!
But you can still come if you want tho

huh? was Hekate going to do an expedition?

Yeah, specifically to find the Epicenter.
Just look at the channel bro


Crazy idea:
Second epicenter badge/title for reaching the epicenter and then making it back alive.

not that hard just dont go to any islands and sail away from any ship

love how theres particles every screenshot

The fact this is getting more likes and reactions then when I made and posted it for the first time is actually driving me nuts.

Bro really took my joke and said it louder :sob:

I did a 13 hour long expédition Yesterday trying to find it :frcryin:

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