October 2023: User of the Month Voting

hwo many did i get

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Congrats crimson :clap: well deserved imo

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I’m late to the party, but congrats to you @Crimsonpants !

You deserved it after making many good suggestions and well thought out post

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Next time it’ll be one of you guys for sure!

i’m going to leek…

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whoa user of the month

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Congratulations @Crimsonpants !
You’ve done great things from the stories that you’ve made, events you’ve hosted, and suggestions you’ve made, it’s been a long time a coming!

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you forgot the -

how much did i get?


does nobody recognize me? :frowning:

All 4 of the people who tied only got 2 votes each, it’s just that not a lot of people voted.

I thought there would be more
