Off Topic Election 4? idk: The Rebirth Rebirth

alright, let’s try this again. 60 votes and polls closed, btw the other poll was closed because of macobre don’t @ me

[poll type=regular results=always chartType=bar]


    • Robotstics the Dumb Idiot
    • TAITC the Asian
    • LordOfTheBloxxed the Shadow Admin
    • ADINIZ the Ruler of Discord
    • Vitorgue, Brazilian God
    • SnowCrab, Fallen President and Disciple of WAX
    • Mako the Fake Larry
    • Inferno, God of Suggestions
    • UnnamedBoi, Observer
    • Rezan the Developer of Funny
    • Macobruh Please Close The Topic
    • Obamavirate, The First Ones

0 voters

please don’t screw this up again I stg

results ended early because of a landslide finish, the vote goes to macobre! congratulations…?

wait why is it broken

you did the poll wrong

also i’m not added right

it no worky

now it worky but i’m not there

sad times


should the votes be public?

if any alting goes on again at least we have a chance of narrowing it down again, but tbh im tired of the arguing


dont use alts bro

I never did

lets just ignore that

so does that mean I can get added to the election or…?

no, i find it still guilty that you wanted to use friends to get an edge, but thats probably me taking it too seriously

How fast until the elections are cancelled this time, place your bets now and I’ll give you absolutely nothing

if alting becomes a real problem put the poll in trusted lads or something

no, looking tried this and it was scuffed to hell.

i voted for somebody else

then i saw macobre and devoted :hungry:

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wait a minute thats a wlop profile pictu-

incorrect. guweiz.

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