Off Topic Election 4? idk: The Rebirth Rebirth

Have we reached the moment when the elections are exposed as having no legitimacy whatsoever?

This election was legitimate. The artists just have their own cabal

Imagine if @liu actually closes the topic.

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@liu agreed to give me all of her votes


Oh okay, just sign this contract please.

n o

Sign the contract.

what the fuck

They really should change the quoting format, at this point you can force anything down peoples gullet

Thank you Macobre! Welcome your new Dictato- President!

Finally! A leader besides skittle that I can agree with

Tis’ the dawn of a new era

say sike right now

Wake up to reality.

is this reality

or is this just fantasy

Caught in a landslide

No escape from reality

Open your eyes
Look up to the skies and see