so having the most well known person on the forum in the election was a mistake
vote for obama fucking
Why am I not on here?
There is only maco. The only one that shall ever get my vote.
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shut Up Dumb Tech
just lost my TL3 saying that ngl
even Tech voted for Maco, this is W
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man she has the support of like 6 artists
this is blasphemy
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why are important people voting for macobre
give the common ones power
bruh she shouldn’t even be there
She will steal the election
what he said
im not in it I will vote Macbruh to close the topic.
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i like how literally no one is voting for anyone besides macobre
who are you
idek who that is
Technically maco started off as one of us common and rise through the ranks
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Skill issue
Even vetex voted lmao
who are you
i hate you all, artist moment
let me learn how to draw rq