Off Topic Presidential Election 4 Results

Perhaps, but it’s a matter of perspective

Oh shit. The devo thing is happening again, this time with Maco.

Join the devolution for a lawless off topic

Like I said, we’re already agents of chaos so you’re just asking for a weaker representative

This feels like a huge LARPing session.

There’s one difference between you and me, macobre.

I believe there to be several, but go on and name it

It’s the fact that you are well-known, favoured, and have admin properties. Believe it or not, that’s what will make you lose.

How so?

You’ll see.

Again, I’m immensely doubtful so you might as well spill

Curiosity killed the cat

The cat has nine lives

Good one lol

I haven’t even started popping the popcorn this is getting interesting

Oh it will get more interesting.

Good popcorns done

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Make arcane great again.

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Welp looking back at the poll again I have the loyalty of a cosco banner and will move to game discussion