gotta love when certain forumers decide they want to ruin someone’s day
definitely one of the highlights of this website
gotta love when certain forumers decide they want to ruin someone’s day
definitely one of the highlights of this website
What are some activites you do? I heard from someone you watch movies but is there anything else? Or is that not even true?
bro interrogating him
I am just curious since I try watching YT videos and can’t focus enough on either. Would just like to know his techniques and methods in order to aid me in my fishing endeavors.
i did it during school because i had it online and was gonna be bored as shit anyways
Btw you can simple download a specific navegator like OperaGX to play anygame while watching a video at the same time. Ik bc i do this
I already use Opera though not for this so I will keep that in mind
Oh yeah meaning that you can play and watch video on the same screen
If you spent the amount of time you’ve spent fishing in WoM on learning literally any skill, you’d have won AGT by now.
Entertainment > Actual hard work and time dedication.
You need to have an actual drive to do things to do well enough in a specific profession or art, let alone AGT. The stuff on AGT literally doesn’t interest me to any degree. And there are people far more talented and have a better drive for the stuff that goes on in that show. So much so that I’d never even entice the idea of doing that.
People just hate to see people present something that they don’t see as praiseworthy as being otherwise.
Not siding with the detractors though, personally I think it’s pathetic to care that much. Not even like dude was no-lifing WoM or some shit. He had ~1000 hours in 2 years so that’s like 1 or 2 hours per day, which is still pretty odd, but isn’t odd in a negative sense. It’s odd in the sense that watching the same episode of a TV show every day is odd.
You can’t be saying that when don’t know shit about pvp, and yes it is hard and it’s pretty impressive.
It’s not just about pressing 4 buttons lmfao, how about you try pvp’ing?
As someone who does, or pretty much “did” at this point, pvp I can vouch it is not hard. I am no PvP god and when going up against good players I will typically lose, either due to my lack of skill and or reluctance to use magic but usually both. Still this game is not, like, difficult. I find games like Hollow Knight, Rocket League, and fucking (competitive) Pokemon to be more difficult on a casual level than I do with WoM with whatever level of skill I am at. WoM is by no means a difficult game and unless you are one of the top 3 WoM pvpers of all time it’s really not all that to brag about.
it’s hard when ur fighting someone who knows how to pvp lol. It’s just you guys are fighting people with terrible aim
hollow knight is easy fym
wom pvp isnt impressive leave the house
I’m not saying wom pvp is good, I’m saying being good in it is impressive
is being good at wom pvp impressive
0 voters
And it’s harder than WoM. I didn’t say those games were hard, I said they were harder than WoM. Even then I mentioned on a casual level, that those games at a level the average person plays is above that of those who are profecient in WoM pvp.
Obviously. Better people are more difficult to win against and require more effort. The difficulty of the people you fight against hardly matters in making a multiplayer game “hard” because that can be changed with time and a selection of people. Being the best Smash player in your classroom doesn’t make the game easy. Of course fighting better players is going to be more difficult but the level it takes to become a “good player” is not high nor is it hard to achieve when compared to other games.
I do have PvP experience. I am not talking out my ass. I got maybe 800 kills from 1v1’s with a like 1.1 K/D. I’d say, as far as the community as a whole is concerned, that’s pretty average skill wise. I don’t think WoM is hard at all, it’s skill floor is fairly low to where I, someone who typically sucks at games, is average on WoM.
Not gonna reply here anymore. If you want to keep discussing this make a topic or DM me.