One thing about food

How do we take a shit in arcane odyssey?
Are we just forever constipated?


Luckily, your character has a perfect metabolism and every single particle of the food is converted into energy with no waste product what-so-ever.


Somehow the players body is so perfect it instantly converts the food into stamina and magic energy, dont ask why

Where you think magic energy comes from?

ae, another troper with their life ruined by TvTropes

If we shit and vetex actually adds poop AO probably gonna be taken down

Theres a game called poop simulator, if thats not taken down i dont know what is

Pokemon Brick Bronze gets taken down but Poop simulator isn’t taken down?

Pokemon Brick Bronze was taken down for copyright reasons, why you comparing it to poop simulator lmao :skull:

I honestly don’t know but it was deleted. People didn’t seem to happy about its deletion

They were mad pissed at Nintendo and Roblox but I understand why since Brick Bronze was racking in stacks

It was fun back in the day

Maybe not for the people at Nintendo


Have you ever heard of Ark Survival Evolved?

We dont talk about that game here

Do you like grinding for hours on end, just so all of it can get obliterated by a stray dinosaur?

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Bro that never happens. I can get a full metal base with turrets up in 1 day. And dinosaurs are usually easy to tame/knock.

In my opinion the best place to start off is in Gen2.

I’m joking of course. but for new players…