Option to allow non-party members to use brew potions/eat large meals

Option to allow non-party members to use brew potions/eat large meals
effort 5.0 2 quality 5.0 2 reasonability 5.0 4


An option when placing brew/large meal to let non-party members people consume the item.

The option could be located in settings with 3 separate modes

  1. Never let other players drink/eat your item
  2. Only let party members drink/eat your item
  3. Let everyone interact with your brew/large meal

Reason to add/change

Lets us create silly brews and leave them in public, Ex: Sharing a gale brew/harming brew for comedic effect.


i want to leave insanity 5 brews in the middle of redwake



Imagine insanity right in front of calvus door for the newbies

1 Like

Yes, this would be fun, especially when I just need to eat something but am in a party

insanity brew
slowness brew
love brew

imagine if you were to leave an interchange brew in the temple of mount othrys

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