Order of Aesir Members

Julian can’t be there as the second Baron isn’t Ravennese.

Kai can’t be there as you can kill him already, meaning it’d come up on the Order menu.

Wotan can’t be there as it’s been directly confirmed he isn’t an Order member.

corruption in the grand navy

Vetex might just be trying to give us red herrings, as keep in mind Wotan is another name for Odin, the King of the Aesir gods in norse mythology.

are you suggesting that our Lord had lied to us? blasphemous!

keraxe has no affiliation with the order errr
pretty sure vetex said the other order member will be liek someone new or not julian or i’m just trippin

Where is the proof?

Idk, I’ve just seen multiple sources saying Vetex has confirmed it in various spots around the forums

Did you just suggest that a commodore of the navy is a high lord?

Bro needs to open his (decanonized) minds

Ravennese…? Did you mean Ravenian?
(actually tbf how do you even pronounce allat)


Nah it’s Ravennate and Ravennese

ravennerd :triumph::joy:

i would’ve thought just ravennan

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Damn right my good americanian friend

Red herring

the Lord will not lie to us.

im pretty sure the king admiral is a high lord (gets executed for treason 5 hours later)

Rest in peace

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