Paper Morden

This is awesome I’d love to see more art like it

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Do paper theos next

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Ok who the fucks morden

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some hobo man that bnt simps for. like, a lot.

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so he’s just an NPC that was made relevant

pretty much that

Morden: Into the Mordenverse.

why the fuck do i do this to myself.


Really like the style on this one. Great job.

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This feels more like it was yarned

like Kirby epic yarn
he’s a baby


that art style looks awesome!! for some reason, i find it really satisfying to look at-
I want to give paper morden a pat on the head

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please do

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im going to drop water on him

Give me Tearaway vibes. :heart:

you monster

i could just do a paper boat with morden and send him away

please no

This RPG better not fall from grace after the third game like Paper Mario did.

paper morton…

is morton, but on paper

Arcane Paper: The Legend of the Peacekeeper