Please ban Meepy18

the real question is why anybody cares about this at all.
raising fame like this is just going to get them witch hunted by every negative rep player ever so the only person getting hurt by this is them.

moderators ban this hooliganism IDMEDNTLY

how is this bannable? there is quite literally nothing to gain from it because he is past the 100k threshold. he’s just freeing his friend from jail. your out of context screenshot crusading against meepy because you don’t like him is crazy bro


Hey are you above 13 by chance

Umm he’s not just freeing him from jail tho. He’s clearly killing him over and over again. Also idek know meepy this isn’t a personal thing. Just thought I’d report it since it’s bannable. If it’s not them mb.

The fuck is ur problem don’t fuck with me

The fuck is ur problem don’t fuck with me


U don’t get bounty from executing people also mrfluffman 1v1 me

blud what are you onto, it was tempbannable in 1.11 when it was still an abusable glitch, if you check trello old versions you’ll see that it was patched and does not give renown past 100k which means meepy is not doing that for renown lol

You sound under 13 just by the way you type

It’s not bannable mrfluffman now 1v1 or it’s a ban for dodging 1s I have 3 pks and I rival farm

this doesn’t even raise renown.

fake news smh


It ain’t a bug neither does it give an advantage anymore my guy, it was only tempbannable in 1.11.

neepy bug buser… ban… :sob:

brother i will post the screenshots.

You still havent defended yourself. This kid is CLEARLY 12


im only human guys…

works cited???