Please reduce the amount of "fish time" messages

the amount is absurd, please reduce the amount.

i dont need 10 messages saying “oh boy fishin’ time”


You need.


At first it was nice, but yeah having 4 people say it in a row is a bit much. Maybe only 1 person randomly selected says it, but each one says if they caught something.

Well, I guess I may as well make myself useful…
Well, I guess I may as well make myself useful…
Well, I guess I may as well make myself useful…
Well, I guess I may as well make myself useful…
Well, I guess I may as well make myself useful…
Well, I guess I may as well make myself useful…
Well, I guess I may as well make myself useful…
Well, I guess I may as well make myself useful…
Ah, a fish. The captain will be pleased.

+1 Small Cod


weird, i never have this problem since they only say its the first time or something, some dotn even say anything

they should just add a “close chat” feature

Castaways at this moment:

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