i like some final fights more than the others
So it’s rigged
idk wym but i won’t rig the votes myself
Not the votes, the tournament
Okay character weee woaaaiauww
Lilith M. Medici
(Who is this random ass maid some god just sent here???)
Lilith is a young, soft spoken girl who works under an agency which poses as housekeeping work on the surface, while branching out to other more shadier practices underneath, one of such being assassination contracting (which Lilith mainly works under).
Powers - Metalikinesis
Lilith is capable of controlling, levitating and bending any object to her will as long as it is metallic in some form.
Though she is supposed to be more serious with her usage of powers, she likes to mess around with them from time to time, a few of her antics including:
- redirect bullets coming towards her and back into the enemy
- tear the floor / walls wide open in the case of the environment being metal
stealing“Confiscating” any weapons (usually selling them after the battle is over for a bit of extra cash)- flinging around people by the parts of their clothes that are metal (though this is less useful for her without the use of her own weapons)
- knocking them out with a frying pan or metal pipe (so long as they are available to her)
- looting them of all their metal to either form into new weapons or sell them outright
- make her plush dance (just let her be silly)
Due to her power’s adaptability, she is capable of using different weapons on the spot if needed, but she mainly uses an arrangement of 10 double-sided daggers with metal strings attached to them. Most times, she uses this to immobilize her enemies by tying them by the strings or implanting them with daggers before flinging them around to disorient them. Her strengths come in her ability to set up for her teammates and putting them at an advantage, but she does have enough skill to handle herself in one on one combat if the enemy has anything metal on them.
How the hell did she get here???
When your boss is a god who really wants money and sees a tournament as really, really profitable, weird shit happens I guess.
I will probably expand on this more some other time (and by probably I mean maybe never depending on how far she gets in this)
this character is weird but she so silly
Why are you creating an oc here
I ain’t judging though, fellow metal conj
your honor i got too silly
I also just like creating characters tbh
*postponed until he completes magius in WorldBox but you can claim
underestimating the heavenly restriction i see (:
that’s 15/16 players, just need 1 more
uh, you know…it’s kind of ironic. My power has the ability to see the past, present, and future simultaneously. The only drawback is if change an inevitable future, I will suffer the equal consequences but not death (except if the alteration is neigh impossible that I have to pay my life for it)
So, the ironic thing is that I can never see my self dead since my past self, present self, and future self coincide at any moment in time. Therefore, the future me that I see did not see the past me as dead, thus, the present me cannot be dead in order for me to succesfuly act the predetermined future of seeing my self, or else I will pay the consequences of dying.
Unless the world I live will explode in a matter of second, it is impossible for me to die, or unless someone with death note appear.
Another example is I know who will win and who will not, but since I know who will win and who who will not, I have a good chance of spotting holes in their strategy of winning. As such, I can always have a good chance of winning. (It is not considered changing the future since I exist simultaneously at any moment)
The only thing that will lead me to consequences is a battle of fate vs luck, fate vs death, fate vs destiny (inevitable fate), fate vs creation (I cannot stop any types of creation and death)
seems too op, might remove altering future (inevitable) events except in round 3/4
originally I was planning to maybe use metal manipulation in replacement for cube powers but it seems someone else took that so pokemon summon was a decent dodge
I still have some ace steel types thankfully
perhaps I should consider alloymaxxing one day…
Man I wonder who
when the substance is shiny and durable
cubes broke me
would biochemical life manipulation be op
I mean
it would only not be op if we weren’t carbon-based entities (vs robots)