Possible Superpower Tournament

ok it’s still going through a wall

wall level is something else

buildings are made of walls, and tungsten bullets are apparently used for armour piercing rounds anyway

if they’re bullets that can fit in a regular sized gun, then the armour they’re referring to is probably body armor, but the bullets are not the issue anyway

should i start now or tomorrow

@Archenhailor I just wanna run this by you but… with how the powercreep is going, do you think it would be crazy to make myself completely static while in stopped time, in the sense that I CAN’T get affected by stuff around me?

Kinda like 20th Century Boy in JoJo’s, a Stand that makes their user virtually invulnerable but they can’t move while doing so.

I guess I kinda underestimated how many people would be having building level attacks, or almost outright one-shots, so having an ability to be able to nullify some damage would be useful.

That would be the only change, you might think “oh it’s just broken”. But doing it in a practical fight would:

  • Leave my ally fighting a 2v1 for as long as I do it
  • Leave myself open to literally anything that is awaiting for me as soon as I unfreeze, so a constant stream of fire or someone just preparing to attack me as soon as I undo it. As I’ve come to the realization that realistically, double the human speed wouldn’t be able to dodge a bullet, only preemptively.
  • For non-spam’s sake, let’s say I’m unable to breathe during it.
  • It would be used more for parrying than outright invincibility, considering it’s easily punishable. If I stay in stasis for too long there’s nothing keeping anyone from preparing their ability at point blank for when I undo it.

i’m fine with it

If I can I have a piece of the powercreep pie I’ll give myself my fists as a weapon and give myself Jiu Jitsu or something.

it seems like all the issues with powers are resolved. Start now

Can I just exchange my reality warping with a domain expansion (the kind that doesn’t make attacks sure-fire though) that can change in environment each uses?
I think it’d make it easier to understand all while being more easily quantifiable (as there wouldn’t be any calculations behind it)

Why not now

Ok but does air jail stop me from teleporting fire into your skull

VERY hot :smiley:
4,990 °C; 9,010 °F
source: hottest fire - Google Suche

yea i’m going with super tungsten

all of my stuff is now made of super duper tungsten :100:


i’d like a description

you mean cestus/gauntlets?

I guess I’ll sorta start now. Before that, you’ll decide on a map that EVERYONE from all matchups/rounds will play in. This can be changed (everyone playing on one map) if enough people say so.

Since the list of maps won’t fit the poll limit (max 20 items per entry), I’ll first have you vote on the logic.

  • Real Life
  • Arcane Odyssey
  • Deepwoken
  • Minecraft
0 voters
Map (IRL)
  • That one ideal physics place without air resistance nor ground friction (with space suit)
  • Outer space (with space suit)
  • Amphitheatre of Nîmes
  • Epidaurus Amphitheater
  • Mount Everest
  • Mount Rushmore
  • Stonehenge
  • The Grand Canyon
  • Giza Plateau
  • Machu Picchu
  • White House (including yard)
0 voters
Map (AO)
  • Redwake
  • Frostmill
  • Cirrus (with fall damage)
  • Ravenna
  • Shell Island
  • Forest of Cernunno
  • Mount Othrys (top)
  • Elysium (entire)
  • Sameria
0 voters
Map (Deepwoken)
  • Etris
  • Isle of Vigils
  • Lower Erisia
  • Upper Erisia (Burning Stone Gardens)
  • Upper Erisia (Towerstruck Lands)
  • Minityrsa
  • Monkey’s Paw
  • Boatman’s Watch
  • Greathive Aratel
  • Miner’s Landing
  • Summer Isle
  • Songseeker Isle
  • Fort Merit
  • The Lordsgrove (No Aratel teleporter)
  • The City of the Drowned
  • New Kyrsa (no npcs, no Ethiron, no space-time collapse)
0 voters
Map (Minecraft)
  • Ragni
  • Nivla Woods
  • Nemract
  • Selchar
  • Almuj
  • Nesaak
  • Rymek
  • Llevigar
  • Stampy’s Lovely World
  • Polemus (voidless bedwars)
  • 2b2t spawn (up to first obsidian wall only)
0 voters

would this logic also include minecraft’s strength of gravity

Uhhhh, ok:


This ability allows its user to create a large horizontal one-way portal measuring approximately six (6) meters in radius on the surface that they’re on with them as its center.
Upon entering the portal, its user is greeted with a scenery of his desire with a randomly placed exit portal. Such scenery can contain man-made structures, but nothing that the user can consciously make use of (e.g. weaponry, super cool automatic laser machine that doesn’t target them, cannons, anything predictable really, traps are an example of unpredictability).
As the environment within it can harm its user, it is advised to not create immediately harmful subworlds.

This ability can only be used once at a time and is deactivated then put under a 5 minutes cooldown (up to discretion) if everyone within it exits it.

The size of the Subworld and variety of environments could scale with power tier, allowing for bizarre and unreal sceneries to be made at later levels.

In essence, this ability changes the arena to whatever its user desires without changing the logic/mechanics of the current map.