Possible Superpower Tournament

Honestly it feels like we’ve all powercrept without consideration for the power levels, except a few.

Changelog: Subworld

See original ability

  • The size of subworlds now scales with the user’s power level.
    • 9-A tier is capable of making 9-A sized subworlds
  • The subworld’s entrance portal now scales with the user’s power level
    • 9-A tier is capable of making room-sized entrance portals
  • The subworld’s entrance portal is now a three-dimensional sphere originating from the user
    • This form keeps the same idea of “forced entry”
    • This form stops the portals from being blocked by walls
    • This form allows for more accurate sizes


  • The subworld’s content is decided by the user but isn’t known
  • The subworld cannot contain weapons/conscious means of attack
    • It can however contain traps and other things that the user themself can fall to

Unless we’re in turn based combat or DnD type of fighting, we can’t strategize or the other team kinda just goes “Oh, we just speedblitz”.

Do you think my ability will be negated while I’m on stasis?

Idk, i guess it depends on who uses their ability first?

I’m a water user now I guess

and I use claws

I’m going antimeta because most physical attacks would phase through my water form

and then I could maybe turn into a blizzard or a cloud of steam and… possibly reform inside someone to make them explode? kind of gory but you get the idea

so tide curse?

splish splash I was TAKIN’ A BATH :water_magic_var1: :bathtub: :shower:

When archenhailor comes back, they’re probably gonna do 1 of 4 things:

  • say that dubious’s power is as written in the doc
  • downgrade it because it wasn’t compliant
  • switch it at the last minute
  • idk some kind of compromise?

i have a plan for water anyway if it’s changed

can we just redo the battle polls

actually can we get rid of the polls

what would you replace the polls with

10 panel judge screening

you mean 10 people outside the tournament judging it?


but we’re the only ones who know about this tournament

Then no, we have no synergy :sob: fire and water bro?

boiling water

temperature shock

the synergy does seem pretty bad ngl