Post epic quotes here

I understand, I need wait to 18.

Which I really don’t think you are.

CHANGED* I’m now 13 not 12

You’re 12?

I understand! You meant that I had funny proof about underaged?

Yes. 13 will be in 2 months
Edit: 2 month passed, I am 13 years

see you in two months

Actually what are we supposed to do now? ping a mod or flag it or…

Sadness sounds

Can you not report me please?


You mean that you will report me?

the mods are still gonna see this nonetheless, they’re everywhere

It’s against the discourse tos bro, it’s a whole bunch of legal shit n stuff

If it’s legal then muahahahaha

Goodbye bro, it was fun seeing you mald in your posts tbh :wave:

I did not understand but ok bye

Guess you reported me, so I need make new account

Don’t. Just come back when you’re 13. If you make an alt(s) you may get in-game banned.

Screaming goat to the studio!!!