Post your (best) wom screenshots here

Tbh it’s possible to play in max graphics, the thing that’s taking away all that FPS is the game itself.

When I turn on my fps at 5 I have like 50 FPS, but when I have max it’s 50 FPS

I have like 10fps at minimum graphics :sleeper:

I get like 30-40 on max graphics, 70-80 on 2 which is what i normally do (although it fluctuates a lot because wom.) Also the reason I do 2 and not 1 is because I use energy magics (it’s complicated)

Not to brag but I get 60+ fps on max :face_with_hand_over_mouth::shushing_face:

Karma will hurt me one day.

I can as well sometimes, I was getting like 80 earlier on max graphics. Depends on the server I guess

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yeah this server is terrible anyways theres like 2 seconds of ping it feels like and its a USW so it shouldnt be that bad for me

i play on a mac air
on max graphics
30 fps or something
only framedrops when frikin explosion user 5 hit explosions

this is when i was in tigerbaby AG ik bad guild but its a really cool uniform


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instant blue screen for me :skull:

i remade it into my discord server raids

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That 1 hero within the Villain pack feels like…

lmao is that a clothing template logo guild

is this a new or old screenshot? looks like a free target for bullying :smiling_imp:

looks like free player kills to me ngl

Can we make the first image a sticker on vetcord?


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Why didn’t you just screenshot them lol

topic just got bumped, your time is now.