Post your favourite AO screenshots

A thread for posting your favourite screenshots taken in the game. They can be funny, strange or just very atmospheric.
Here are a few of my favourites

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Screenshot 2023-04-02 at 10.07.10

the Vikings arriving in greenland be like:

POV: You fought Calvus

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Oh I have a lot

Poster standoff

What is he doing there?

Everything burns


This house in the dark sea that I lived in for a few hours

Hello there (I got struck by lightning immediately after this)

I’m in danger

Fire curse real?

I became a small orb

My own experience with being in the sky

Very nice sunset


No need for warding or potions when fighting a guy 3 times your level

Neviro the cannonball

Double Iris

Completely safe location to be

Looks quite cool

Just a really nice picture

They are watching through the window

Cool phase transition

The elusive normal tornado

In the middle of a sandstorm

Then a few that are not entirely screenshots but still pictures I have of the game


The result of a lot of npcs hunted in my quest for more ship health

He’s so weak he died twice

Arguably the best “death” message

Finally, my pride and joy: Maximum ship health
very tanky

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So like

New strongest AO entity?

Martin’s quaking in his boots rn


Can’t be killed, can levitate, can appear anywhere in the dark sea, has many clones.
Seems pretty powerful to me

who wins

1,000,000 adkins

500 Martins

1 ???

??? seems very difficult to defeat, but so far we know nothing in how strong its attacks are.


they aren’t a human, atlantean, siren, or a god.

they are omnipresent.

have existed in multiple pieces of forum media, even during WoM times, and yet no one seems to notice or care for their existence. (until now, they WANT us to be aware of them.)

I think ??? might be a timelord with minor antimemetic properties.

the gaster of the AU…

i really feel you there

womp womp

Beautiful view of Sameria


Wait this isnt Sameria

So accurate

Employee of the month

We did it guys, the order of aesir is no more

Chilling with Merlot


If only it was a fleet of sky ships, would’ve been cool

he has no rules, no boundaries, he doesnt flinch at torture, human trafficking, or genocide. hes not loyal to a flag or a country or any set of ideals

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“I alone am the honored one”