Ok but let’s apply that logic onto my conjurer yeah. Let’s say I had a darkness magic scroll, and had my 2nd awakening. I have my free stat reset and a potion, so I reset, go mage and get darkness on my 2nd magic slot. Now then, I use my remaining stat reset and become a hybrid with a 2nd magic slot. Would I still have my darkness magic?
(Then again you saying different build would include hybrids regardless of magic slots in this example)
I’m not sure how it works for other magic builds but if you go for anything that isn’t a magic build then you will get rid of your magics. I assume for magic hybrid builds you’ll just lose your third magic and keep your first and second.
Ok but depending on how difficult it is to get a lost magic scroll and the stat reset potions together for this. Could and should this be considered fair (assuming Vetex doesn’t just wipe the 2nd magic slot)?