Pride month is OVER

Lmao no. Women :heart: (lesbian btw)

nothing there does not discriminate it skins everything regardless of sexuality

casual gay month is over… time for COMPETITIVE

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I did that arm cause its the one he (supposedly :face_with_raised_eyebrow:) beats morden up with, and its supposed to match the shape of the palm :pensive:

Oh is it now, buddy boy? Julian, the gay never stops. Ever.

@Mirage how long does Kaden have to live after this?

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For making me witness that, I give you a choice.

Bro what do you want me to do.
If i save him i would have to raise a potential face ripper.
If i flush him his fat ass head is gonna get stuck and i will have to raise him anyways :sob:

That’s what a plunger is for.

The whiplash was instant

BRO HIT KADEN WITH THE GAYZER :rainbow_flag::rainbow_flag::rainbow_flag::rainbow_flag::rainbow_flag::rainbow_flag::rainbow_flag::rainbow_flag::rainbow_flag:

diane will stall her man the best she can :sob::sob:RUN HOMOS

Wait, Diane wouldn’t be the one trying to murder Kaden? (I mean, as well as Julian)

U THOUGHT SHE WAS HOMOPHOBIC :interrobang: :interrobang:

Garlic_Bread would get perm ban for this

No, I thought she’d be mad that someone was trying to get with Julian.

… especially given that Kaden isn’t actually trying to get with him, and wants Julian to lower his guard so Kaden and murderize him.

Morock has guided me to fact-check you. The only common written form of homosexuality during the Roman Empire was either through Slavery (yikes) or Pederasty (yikes x2).

Also Julian looks more like he is from Etruscan, Venetii or Umbrian heritage than Latin/Roman.

And Ravenna isn’t an AU of Rome it’s a successor state :nerd:



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Nero also married and castrated a young man cause he looked a bit too much like his deceased wife

yeah, and he was hated and ridiculed for that. He quite literally forced a child to be castrated just cuz he felt like it dawg :skull:

Sporus (the castrated young man) literally had to kill himself because of the actions of Nero

(is this why the grand navy arrested nero wtf??)