Prometheus Acrimony, more specifically the Acrimony part

So yesterday I was just doing stuff and I saw the name of Prometheus Acrimony and thought ‘What is an acrimony’ so I googled and the definition is ‘‘bitterness or ill feeling’’, so ‘‘Prometheus Bitternes/Ill feeling’’.
It could just be something related to the stat reset in some way or it could be related to actual Prometheus in the lore.

I can’t really think of anything but the people who know the lore better please tell us what you think

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the acrimony is so bitter when you eat it you forget your skills

I mean, Prometheus means foresight.
if you want to reset your stats, you don’t have great foresight because you regret what you did.
that’s probably why it’s called that

Probs remains of Prometheus’ bitterness when he gets killed by Arthur

Its probs related to Prometheus himself as the clover is white (for reference, Promethean Flame is white fire). Also, a Gods spirit seems to linger after being “killed” like Poseidon was

Wait, dont Gods get killed when they get chopped up into itty little bits or something? So is Prometheus Acrimony created from Prometheus’-

Actually, Ill stop, cause I think thats gonna lead onto some weird convo there considering how Greek Mythology handles that stuff…

I think I remember reading a theory or something about it being so poisonous and unfit for consumption that it just ravages your body, resetting it to a powerless state.

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