Pulsar Spell

No biggest size and slowest is the best

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I need mp4 clip my yt bocked :frcryin:


can’t watch it :sob::

honestly I thought it was ass but tbf i have water magic

If you get the water orb I will pay top dollar for it

were do i even get it though?

I think you just get Arcspheres from chests or sealed chests

Anyways since we are on the topic of rare stuff, are there any mp4 or youtube videos of the Vindicator’s move? Haven’t seen it yet

Not from sealed chests only fishing chests and crates

is’ny arcshphere a regular accessory but just arcanium?

Imagine if a merchant can spawn selling it, that merchant would instantly become rich

Omg yeah

Up close pulsar sucks

It’s ass from far away

You need to be in the sweet spot

Poor inexperienced fools falling for my snare dash back pulsar combo and having their health melted

Pulsar functions differently from blast even though it’s the most similar. You aren’t going to be using pulsar at a close range. Instead, you’ll more likely use it as a long ranged zoning tool, which is when it’s strongest.

mine does more damage than an ultimate art blast