PvP disable option (in settings)

I understand(ish)

also is this setup braindead :pleading_face:

image (this is supposed to be the poison dagger I donā€™t have a pic tho)

FS imbuement: basic

that set up is not braindead. You are using 2 skill shot weapons. However, as long as you use Iron Leg with anything, it is automatically braindead.

Do you remember the video I showed you where the iron leg warlord won only using Striking Gale?

yeah that was hard to watch ngl

apparently sailor warlords are just iron leg but worse :sleeper:

A better comparison would be basic combat. Sailor is basically just a better basic combat, with the only downside being itā€™s slightly slower and is bullshit seawater gimmick. Deals more damage too(with max seawater)

I wanted to consider being a boring bitch and trying out thermo warlord if I got bored of basic

but basic is good for training

thermo warlord is better for training for a lot more reasons.

fr? why

hang on brb

  1. Using thermo warlord WILL help you with your aim. It has horrible AO but it is way faster.

  2. If you use thermo warlord for bounty hunting, you wonā€™t have to worry about losing bounty and instead can run away from a fight that you know you wonā€™t win.

  3. Like I said in No.2, with thermo warlord, not only can you pick your fights, you can also chase enemies that try to run. Itā€™ll be good for players that like ā€œHide and Seekā€(basically just runners that find a place to hide)

Donā€™t be a mosquito thermo warlord. Use it correctly, as in be an aggressive player. Being a successful thermo warlord(which imo would be the opposite of what Imp3racy is), for example, good aim, good reaction speed, and you know how to use your speed correctly, can earn you a badge of honour(Noober and Pristine are respected, although not because of their thermo warlord skill, mostly just because they are active on the forums and are very good at PVP)

no shur the fruck rup!!


I guess Iā€™ll try being a thermo warlord

with my musket and poison dagger and giant pokey stick by my side

Nah, I donā€™t recommend it. Itā€™s boring as hell. Just play an FPS game, itā€™ll be more fun.

actually I might swap out musket occasionally for dualies if Iā€™m feeling a little mischievous

or staff

warlords can use the greenwish staff right?

150/100 can, yes.

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oh rip I was gonna go 120/130 (str/wep)

so I can get shot skill as a poke tool

aw well iron staff is still decent

go boxing :japanese_ogre:

well, when the NPCs just wonā€™t drop anything you need for ages, you kinda just donā€™t want to play pvp. After all, when you deal crappy damage and die in only a few hits, I at the very least would say the game gets pretty unfun. And when I do try to get what I need to even the odds, I get even more bored.

you do know how easy it is to grind carina and cernyx, do you?

What am I saying, if someone is asking for a PVP disable, chances are they actually got stuck on carina.

And there is no excuse for you not actually trying to get better. Ever heard of gearless 1v1s?