PVP Tips for savant

if someone sees you talking about joining another person they can join you bec they know it


pvp exists

idc bro

I can handle being pvped

alr but if hes adding you he’s adding me (and he’s not adding me)

i played savant before and its fun but like

wind mage + max knockback

ye but that’s for a trolling build. btw can you accept my friend request?

thx so much!

Can confirm savant was fun and I’m remaking mine with ice instead of magma

Musket my beloved

Since you have water maybe a bit of size and atkspd, then the meta stats power and def.
You could try boxing as fs for the extra block power, only prob is the gloves vetex plz let us take off gloves rahhh.
Also bleed causing weapons for synergies

110 Magic, 50 Wep, 90 Fs or 120 Magic, 50 Wep, 80 Fs are nice choices depending on whether you want rushdown or snare
Water has nice synergy with bleed, Lighting has synergy with bleed amd soaked.
A nice combo would be
movement weapon, water- (just get them soaked), rushdown, lightning(bzzzzrt)
movement weapon, water self explosion, lightning snare(i assume thisvis ur first magic), water placed explosion.

me so jealous rn

tip: somehow get a glitched build savant which will make it meta


I main savant too! Here’s a tip -

Imagine running savant as akin to being someone who is mentally challenged. This doesn’t mean that they can’t perform basic tasks like reading and writing, its that they need to try harder than an average person just to perform those normally basic tasks. Tasks normal people don’t even think about when doing.

That is the same with savant. You need to try harder, way harder just to even be decent in combat situations. I know full well that I could easily win a 1v2 using an aoe-centered build such as mage or warrior, but why do I not?

Because it’s unique and it’s cool. Plus its pretty funny when tryhards die to a savant.

The main point is, I’m good enough to still play with it. That may not be the same case with you, but that is simply the way of the savant. That is that, and this is this.

I get it, it’s like size mage

accidentally killed this tryhard while sinking his ship (it was an act of revenge, he sunk mine first and then proceeded to try to kill me because i didnt help him grief another person, we were complete strangers btw)

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Optical moment: Says about hiding usernames and then litteraly shows his username in his profile and in multiple screenshots.

Man of logic.

bec I’m not scared of people hunting me

U used to be tho HAHA