Quick argos distract the enemy!

Spams his beast instinct in phase 3, uses skills during the skill and proceed to deal 500 damage with the skill

ā€œQuick Argos, distract the enemy!ā€


still the best drawing

So THIS is why Ravenna was undefeated in Argosā€™ timeā€¦

also, necrobump
@mods crush his skull

its because of the moobs isnt it

Gods, why did you have to pop this back to the top? I almost managed to forget about it.

so the new people can experience it

*Will be afflicted by it.

no, this is amazing art

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that a insult to argos, that not moobs, what u see, is pure muscle, peak masculinity, since why u feel so insecure about admit it, but dont worry we all love argos here

you didnt have to expose me like that bro :sob::pray:

Bearā€¦Noā€¦Donā€™t do this

blame @motormikester for the necrob

You necro this one more time you barnacle-sucking, flee-ridden, tryharding, bounty-hunting, siren-simping, Ravenna-terrorist-supporterā€”and I will bash your skull in with Argosā€™s helmet, strangle you with a fricking siren top, and feed you to a white eyes. Do I make myself clear?

but he asked me to so he can see it as well

can we ban Bear already?

Thanks, I owe you one :+1:


(last time i necro this, i promise, im sure there is some new person that needs to see this)

Consider this to be your first and only warning.

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