Quick vit lore question

Sorry to disturb you guys, but I wanted to ask a little bit about vitality identity as a power in lore (if it’s known).

What exactly is vitality?
Is it like magic, a power that you have to be born with/lucky enough to be able to use?

Or is it like str, that you can train with enough willpower/time?

Has it ever been specified?

Sorry for the silly question, but I’d appreciate it.
Ty and cya

Its something akin to using your soul to attack, hence why said “spirit weapons” are planned to take health instead of energy to use

probably willpower or your soul. AA characters survive all sorts of shit

  • speared by ftl trident dash
  • hit with the embodiment of all glass
  • hit by attack that sent a ship into the air and melted it
  • hit by a watered down version of an attack that nuked an entire island

all by pure willpower

  • neviro really wanted to kill calvus
  • player absolutely had to get to the castle
  • verdies was a crucial step in the peacekeepers training
  • player also really wanted to kill calvus

so its probably willpower or “determination” :fr: that gives them extra durability

“You have several spears in you, a broken arm, and are missing a leg. How in the war seas are you still alive?”
“I’m very determined to kick your ass”


i thought it was more soul related, like u could summon souls for abilities.
in my head, a vitality’s version of a Q blast would be a throwing a ghost at someone idk.

It has relations to the soul, but less about controlling the souls of others and more about molding your own soul to fit a certain purpose.


Please for the love of god/Prometheus, do not make that a thing.


Lots of answers, ty.

The focus of the question was a little different tho.

More than what is vitality, I was more interested if it’s know if it’s learnable or not.
(in lore obviously)

I mean, if it’s like magic, where you must have certain intrinsic characteristics / talent, to learn it.

Or if, like fs, you just need enough time and practice.

Tick Tock
Heavy like a brinks truck
Looking like i’m tip-top
Shining like a wrist watch

since it was given by god(s?) similar to how magic was, ig only a few selected people can use it, like how only those with first mind opened at birth can use magic

and since using soul energy literally cause severe dmg to your body, you probably need a suitable body too ( normal mage has a lifespan of ~200-500 years, meanwhile old mages/ those who use soul energy to cast spells only live to around 40 )

Ty for reply.

I really hope that’s not the case tho. :cry:
I mean, it’s a real bummer to deal with powers that only a limited number of people have access to.
(don’t mind it, it’s just a nuisance of mine, I don’t like limited/intrinsic-only types of powers)
(yes, I hate magic for this, never gonna use it)

All this just because in games I always run at least one defense/health Stat :joy:

Just thought about something.

Maybe vitality could be interpreted as focusing on increasing the quantity of total magic / magic energy possessed/imbued in the body/soul.
Basically spirit energy could be magic energy infused in the body/soul.

(sort like a voluntary/controlled magic pollution that happens to atlanteans)

Reasons why I had this idea:
Magic energy is described as life force, if I remember well;

Increasing in lvl/becoming stronger increases our life force and our energy;

Magic infused objects, specifically arcanium armors, increase your defense;

So basically maybe magic stat refer to increasing magic energy control, while vitality refer to increasing magic energy quantity (not necessarily usable for magic circles) infused in the body/soul, which determines your life force/hp (if I remember well, AO people die if they lose all magic energy)(not talking about the usable one/bar under hp in game)

From this idea I had another.
Maybe spirit wpns are/act on the same principle of devourers/(grand navy handcuffs):
they forcefully absorb magic energy, this time not from the one they are embedded in, but from their wielder.
Therefore draining their life force/magic energy, if the analogy is valid.

Given this theory, the only thing that truly concerns me is if this magic-absorption is possible by any human (truly hopes it is).

(something like meditation would be cool, you know, like those classic Qi things in murim-novels).

Sorry for the long rant and cya

So maybe, just maybe, it’s a silly idea:
Normal arcanium: can be produced by humans/nature - > magical wpns, items,…

High grade arcanium (no normal use since it literally rips magic energy from your body): necessary extremely high magic energy - > productable only by extremely powerful mages (gods,…) - > devourers, spirit weapons,…

A bit low quality, but it seems like the gods gifted certain people spirit weapons instead of the ability to manipulate their soul. But I might be misinterpreting the dialogue.

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True true.

Well, as I’ve already said, my main concern it’s about if vitality is usable by all humans in lore, so even this theory is wrong, no big deal.

imagine health (not the big bar on the left side of screen) i mean health with how healthy you are

thats vit

I like that :joy:

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