Both of your faults
necroing this to say that for whenever I eat ramen and I slurp I get shouted at but whenever someone else does or my parents do so it’s fine
mfw ramen is literally an obligatory “slurp” food
I HATE all “wholesome” people on discord, i would rather be friends with a sociopath then one of those “wholesome” people on discord, at least they would be more real than me. They solely exist to become popular and boost their own ego while acting like THEY are some sort of fucking children cartoon protagonists. Multiply it tenfold when they do this for the sheer purpose of getting mod on a server because THEY KNOW that being overly positive is the best way to suck the dicks of the staff of the server themselves, especially when they act like anime girls or something like that because THEY KNOW that 80% of people on discord are degenerate shut-in weebs who have waifus and haven’t seen grass in ages. To all people who put a “-“ at every sentence and have a anime girl/ boy with hearts in your pfp, you know who you are
you basically summarized the entirety of furry discord lol
And How would you know that?
I joined a furry discord server a looonng time ago mainly out of boredom and curiosity
basically a bunch of gatekeeping losers who take rules way to serious and mooch up to the mods
kinda the reason I don’t like the community
ah. so you are a furry.
wanted to be
community made an awful first impression
never again.
and that is some sandal lore for you
and sandal shows his true colors yet again
why you bully me
you brought this onto yourself
I thought we were friends
I’m not even a furry
I said the community is a hellhole and really needs some cleaning up / renovating
people who do trigger warnings on something that shouldn’t trigger people are fucking weird
broly you made me sad
get help
the irony in this message